EP:192 | How To Age a Mature Buck with Mark Drury | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:192 | How To Age a Mature Buck with Mark Drury

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper


This week we question Mark Drury on aging bucks, with a specific emphasis on aging older, more mature bucks. It’s a conversation where he provides the many tips and tricks he’s learned over the years that will help gamekeepers understand what they are looking at. We also questioned him in detail on his strategies for managing all those trail camera images. Finally we talk about just what it takes for a buck to reach the 200 inch mark, and how rare it actually is. If you want to improve your understanding of big, mature white-tailed bucks, you’ll want to pay close attention to this one. Listen, Learn and Enjoy.

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Show Notes:
Stay connected with Mark and Drury Outdoors
(1) Website: https://www.druryoutdoors.com/
(2) DeerCast App: https://www.deercast.com/
(3) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/druryoutdoors/
(4) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialDruryOutdoors
(5) X: https://twitter.com/DruryOutdoors
(6) YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA7i6_2TiXy1YL5yE4czEXg

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