EP:189 | A Discussion of Oaks | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:189 | A Discussion of Oaks

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper


This week we’re joined by wildlife professors Dr. Will Gulsby and Dr. Marcus Lashley, where we discuss the importance of oak trees and the findings on an acorn production study that debunked a long-time myth about fertilizing oaks and acorn production. We dive deep into some intense conversation trying to wrap our heads around the premise and some interesting ideas bubbles up.  It was an enlightening discussion! Listen, Learn and Enjoy!!!

YouTube video

Show Notes:
(1) Follow Dr. Lashley on Instagram @drdisturbance
(2) Follow Dr. Will Gulsby on Instagram @dr_will_gulsby
(3) Listen to the Wild Turkey Science podcast on Apple Podcast

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