EP:186 | Serious About Squirrels | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:186 | Serious About Squirrels

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper


This week we talk squirrels with master caller and squirrel hunter Jeffrey Wood referred to by his friends as the Swamp Boy. He makes custom calls and he kills over 600 bushytails a year. He sits on the guest couch and he puts on a calling demonstration and explains how his style of still hunting the crafty critters. Jeffrey also has numerous state and the multiple world titles with his squirrel dogs. This guy KNOWS squirrels. If you’re like us, you will be mesmerized by his calling and will find yourself wanting to break day near a feed tree. Listen Learn and Enjoy.         

Show Notes:
(1) Jeffery Woods Custom Small Game Calls: https://swampboyscustomcalls.com/collections/small-game-calls 

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