With deer season now on the brain, we hit up one of our favorite mature buck nerds, Dr. Mike Chamberlain aka The Turkey Doc, for tips and tricks on improving the odds of harvesting mature bucks. Although Mike is widely known for his hands-on and scientific knowledge of all things Wild Turkey, he and his harem of hunting buddies and clients are luckier than most when it comes to actually harvesting the mature bucks they grow. One topic of discussion included tips for encouraging older bucks to set foot in food plots during daylight hours, including how they manage pressure and habitat in the vicinity to really set the scene. It’s not a huge feat anymore to grow and hold mature bucks, but harvesting them on a consistent basis is exponentially more difficult – and they’re doing it! Listen, Learn, and Enjoy.

Show Notes:
[1] Learn more about the 5th Annual Mossy Oak Properties Foxhole Shootout and create a bidding profile
[2] Follow Dr. Mike chamberlain (AKA: Wild Turkey Doc): Instagram
[3] Check out the Wild Turkey Lab Website
MOSSY OAK PROPERTIES® FOX HOLE SHOOTOUT is a charity golf, dinner and auction event to benefit St. Jude Children’s Hospital, Catch A Dream, and Sportsmen Organized for Law Enforcement. This years’ event will be held on Thursday, September 21st in West Point, Mississippi. To Learn more visit: https://foxholeshootout.com/
Biologic’s Quick-Sow Deer Plot is an easy to grow no-till food plot mix exclusively available at your local Tractor Supply store.
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September 19, 2023