This week we welcome Mitt Wardlaw into the Gamekeeper Studio to talk about his expertise in applying row crop science to food plots. Mitt’s a smart guy who has lots of hands-on experience. We have a lively discussion on planting dates, cereal grains, annual and perennial clovers, myths around lime, the nutritional needs and timing of fertilizer applications, army worms, regenerative agricultural practices and more. It’s a fascinating discussion on the “growing” process of a food plot, understanding the process, and harnessing this knowledge to make you a better Gamekeeper. Listen, Learn and Enjoy.

Show Notes:
Stay Connected with Mitt at MidSouth Resource Management: Instagram | Website
Biologic’s Quick-Sow Deer Plot is an easy to grow no-till food plot mix exclusively available at your local Tractor Supply store.
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September 12, 2023