EP:161 | Path of the Panther | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:161 | Path of the Panther

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper


This week we are thrilled to be joined by Carlton Ward and Tori Linder from the Path of the Panther project. We finally found someone who loves to talk panthers more than us! It was interesting to learn the latest concerning the plight of the Florida Panther and the Wildlife Corridor that could connect the cats to the panhandle of Florida and beyond. There are so many moving pieces to manage. Carlton is a world class National Geographic photographer and Tori has dedicated her life to conservation projects from Africa to the Everglades.  Their documentary and book, Path of the Panther, was just released and its must watch television for anyone who loves wild places. Listen, Learn and Enjoy.

YouTube video

Show Notes:
National Geographic official trailer
Learn more and watch the film: Path of the Panther
Tori Linder @torilinder
Carlton Ward @carltonward | Website

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