EP:155 | The Mr. Fox SBE3 28 Gauge (BONUS EPISODE) | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:155 | The Mr. Fox SBE3 28 Gauge (BONUS EPISODE)

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper


On this BONUS podcast, Rob Kinney from the Gamekeeper crew catches up with Scott Rhodes of the Low Country Gamebird Foundation (a 501(c)(3) out of South Carolina) to discuss the Mr. Fox SBE3 28 Gauge they built with Rob Roberts Custom Gunworks, Benelli, and Palmetto State Armory to raffle off in an effort to raise money for Mossy Oak’s Gamekeeper Grants.  We learn more about the foundation and their efforts to come alongside Dr. Mike Chamberlain to support his research efforts and that of others as well. All the funds raised from this raffle will be donated to Mossy Oak Gamekeeper Grants and will be designated for turkey research. 

Don’t let the name fool you. The Low Country Gamebird Foundation is about supporting research for the Wild Turkey wherever they may be found.

Listen, Learn, and Enjoy!

Show Notes:

[1] Learn more about the Low Country Gamebird Foundation
[2] Purchase the 2023 Mossy Oak Turkey Stamp and learn more about the painting (and the artist) behind the 2023 Mossy Oak Turkey Stamp
[3] Have you checked out the Wild Turkey Lab w/ Dr. Mike Chamberlain?
[4] Recipe from our friend Chef Michael Hunter : Wild Turkey Pot Pie
[5] Check out Mossy Oak Companions

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