EP:139 | Talking Turkey with the Wild Turkey Doc | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:139 | Talking Turkey with the Wild Turkey Doc

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper


This week we’re joined by Mike Chamberlain and discuss none other than our beloved wild turkey. It’s a camp fire style conversation where we ask questions and Mike explains his knowledge. It’s an in-depth conversation that ranges from scenarios of which turkey to shoot, to what’s the latest research and insight on current turkey related issues. The turkey world now has many people who are concerned about habitat, population levels, nesting, and poult survival. We hope this podcast adds fuel to our listener’s desire for knowledge. Knowledge that can be applied – one acre at a time. Listen, Learn and Enjoy!

YouTube video

Show Notes:

Follow Dr. Chamberlain on Instagram @wildturkeydoc

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