EP:129 | Taxidermy: Remembering the Hunt | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:129 | Taxidermy: Remembering the Hunt

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper


On this week’s episode we talk about taxidermy and how it’s been a part of our culture for many years. Who hasn’t seen a big deer head hanging on a wall and wanted one for their own? It’s a way to pay tribute to the animal and to an especially memorable hunt.  Guest Rett Kelly of Kelly Taxidermy has been in the business for over fifty years and knows a thing or two about it. He also explains some simple tips that will help any taxidermist give you back the best mounts. Listen, Learn and Enjoy.

Show Notes:

Big thanks to Rett Kelly of Kelly Taxidermy: 334-567-6452

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