EP:120 | Hunting Accidents Can Happen | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

EP:120 | Hunting Accidents Can Happen

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper


This week we have three uniformed Mississippi game wardens in the studio, reminding us to be safe this hunting season with stories of other hunters who weren’t. After years of repetition it’s easy to become complacent, get in a rut and take for granted the things we need to do to stay safe in tree stands and around firearms.  This podcast is a shocking reminder to wear your safety belt, unload your weapon before you cross a fence, let someone know where you’re going, wear a life jacket in the duck boat, and much more. It’s one you will want to share with younger and new hunters and a great refresher for the seasoned. Listen, Learn and Stay Safe.

YouTube video

Show Notes:

We want to thank our guests Ricky Barry, Jake Guess, and Marshall McCraw for making the trip to West Point, MS to join us in studio. Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge and experience with us!

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·         Nativ Nurseries Deer Habitat Spotlight :  6 Best Oak Trees for Whitetails

·         Hunter Education : Find a Course Near You

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