5 Tips for Improving your spot | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

5 Tips for Improving your spot

By: admin

With most every state’s hunting season in full swing, Gamekeepers are spending hard earned time in the stand.  After a few hours of treestand time, you might start noticing a few adjustments that could improve your hunting success. Whitetails are constantly adjusting to food and habitat changes and so should you. Here are 5 considerations to improving your stand and hunting success.

1.       Shooting Lanes

Clear and accurate shots are part of ethical hunting and being good stewards of whatever game you are pursuing. Be sure your shooting lanes are clear or possibly add new ones where there are opportunities. Clear shooting lanes are critical for archery season but remember you may sit in these same stands for a gun hunt with chances to take a farther shot.  Many times a good hand saw is all that’s needed, but in some circumstances (as with creating new lanes) you need some larger equipment like the Vail Tree Saw (http://vailxseries.com/xseries-tree-saw/) that can get big jobs done in short order.


2.       Food Plots

Analyzing your food plot during hunting season is a great way to plan for changes in the spring and prepare for next year. If you notice your plot doesn’t seem to be growing as well as it has in past seasons, your soil may need amending with lime and or fertilizer. Soil testing is inexpensive and takes all the guesswork out of what it may or may not need. Think ahead to this spring and consider planting a warm season annual blend such as BioLogic All Legume. Great attraction and nutrition.


3.       Stand Access

We have all heard of the “stand approach” and how this is something that should not be overlooked. A great hunting location can be quickly ruined by approaching/leaving from the wrong direction.  To minimize your ingress/egress to a stand, make plans for creating hidden or screened walkways. Vail Equipments brush cutter (http://vailxseries.com/xseries-brush-cutter/) is ideal for improving access even in the thickest of brush.


4.       Playing The Wind

You’ve watched the Weather Channel and downloaded the latest app on your phone but the wind can still have a mind of its own. Physical barriers like trees, ridges and even water sources can cause wind to blow in odd directions that can only be learned with time in the field.



5.       Stand Height

Now that you have spent some time in the stand, stand height is easily adjustable and can make a big difference in shot placement. If you have been busted by a wise old doe or wary buck,                                                              you might consider raising the height to help with concealment but also keep in mind that too high can also be an issue. Your shot accuracy can be negatively influenced if you’re nervous of falling because of the height. Try different heights until you find the one that works for you.

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