Understanding Your Soil | The GameKeepers of Mossy Oak Ep.4 (2021 season) | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

Understanding Your Soil | The GameKeepers of Mossy Oak Ep.4 (2021 season)

By: Mossy Oak GameKeeper
Understanding Your Soil

The GameKeepers of Mossy Oak Episode 4 | Understanding Your Soil

Premiering Tuesday 7/20/2021 at 8/9 P.M. ET on the Outdoor Channel

YouTube video

On this episode of the GameKeeper of Mossy Oak we welcome Johnny McWright with DeltAg to learn about what we need to do to the dirt prior to planting. Johnny explain basics of soil health and why it’s so important in how we grow our food plots.

  • Understanding Your Soil
    Johnny McWright is from Greenville Mississippi and owns a company called DeltAg. He spends his days helping farmers improve their soil health.

    • The importance of the soil
    • Understand soil cycles
    • Important steps in preparing a new area for planting
    • Understanding the importance of soil pH and taking a soil test
    • How crop residue plays a role in accurate soil testing
    • How plants grow and what they can extract from the soil


  • Applying What We’ve Learned
    Austin Delano explains what it takes to plant a successful warm season food plot of spring protein peas and what he does to ensure ideal soil conditions.

    • How to plant Protein Peas

YouTube video

    • Maintaining warm season food plots

YouTube video


  • Success in the field
    Watch an exciting deer hunt on some of the best dirt around as Rusty McDaniels harvest a big mature whitetail on Giles Island.


  • What Did We Learn
    • How to deal with crop residue
    • Benefits of applying nitrogen
    • Proper soil prep techniques
    • Ideal timing of preparing the soil and planting
    • Taking soil test

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