Long Term Seed Storage for Food Plot Seed | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
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Long Term Seed Storage for Food Plot Seed

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Long Term Seed Storage for Food Plot Seeds

Most everyone planting food plots will have some seed leftover from planting season. With proper long term seed storage and few simple steps you can keep your seed fresh until next planting season.

Proper Long Term Seed Storage

Keep it Dry. A plastic storage container will keep your seed dry until next planting season. Certain seeds loose germination faster than other seeds. Some seeds can last for several planting seasons beyond the inoculation date on the bag.  Make sure that you don’t expose it to long periods of excessive temperatures. Keeping it between 20° F and 80° F is a good temperature but the more regualted the temp the better the seed will store.

Germination Test

If you have old seed and you wonder if it is still good – it’s easy to test the germination rate. All you need is a paper towel, a quart size seal-able plastic bag and 10 to 20 of the seeds in question. Fold the paper towel several times so that it will fit inside the plastic bag. Soak the towel with water and spread out the seeds over the wet paper towel. Slide the towel with the seeds on it into the plastic bag and set it on a warm window sill. You will see what your germination rate is after a few days. If 7 seeds out of the 10 germinate you have a 70% germ rate. BioLogic blends like Premium Perennial, Clover Plus, Deer Radish or Maximum, which all have tiny, hard seeds that we put through our special coating can last for years beyond the original date on the bag tag.


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