3 Pre-Archery Perennial Tips | Mossy Oak Gamekeeper
Gamekeepers Magazine

3 Pre-Archery Perennial Tips

By: admin

A lush and healthy perennial plot can be the perfect ambush site on early-season whitetails. If you have some good perennial fields such as clover, chicory, or alfalfa, here are some things you can do to get them sweetened up for that perfect 20 yard shot.

  1. A good dose of fertilizer just before the season can really help your clover take off and get that nice burst of growth when the moisture and cool temperatures from the early fall start coming in. A no nitrogen fertilizer such as 0-20–20 is perfect for legumes like for clover and alfalfa.
  2. A highly effective way to encourage some fresh new growth in these perennial plots is to use a water-soluble foliar fertilizer such as BioLogic’s MEEN Green™. It has an analysis of 15-40–5 and is perfect for plots that are blended with clover and chicory which will benefit from the nitrogen. BioLogic’s MEEN Green™ has a full micronutrient package as well that can really help plots that may have a micro nutrient deficiency. This fast acting fertilizer can really make your plot jump and increase palatability right where you want it.
  3. A fresh cutting can also really encourage new growth out of perennials just before the fall arrives. You don’t want to cut your plot too low, but just a clipping of the tops can get rid of any residual summer weeds and get some lush new growth that is very attractive to deer.
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